
What Our Happy Clients Say

At ANF Fitness, is dedicated to providing the highest level of service to our members.

"I've tried many other gyms, cardio classes, home workouts and gadgets that only produced minimal results for a short period of time. With Amped Fitness I was able to lose 60 pounds within the first year and stun my doctor between annual physicals both visually and through blood test ressults. I then gained strength, muscle, and definition during the second year. Having certified coaches that demonstrate how to perform each exercise along with thoughtful programming of the cardio and weightlifting workouts and the supportive member family is a winning combination that cannot help but lead to body transformation, improved confidence, and improved health."
rich d-enfield
"Amazing workouts!!! I am overweight and out of shape...thought this would be way too challenging for me but my friends convinced me to try...and I'm so thankful. Completing the workouts gives me confidence...I've got a lot of work to do...Amped has really motivated me, and the coaches are so encouraging...grateful for them!"
meaghan h-east granby
"I have never seen better results than I have since I’ve been going to ANF! The coaches are so helpful, kind, and welcoming. They are diligent in their efforts to meet your individual goals even in their group classes. I am so impressed with how neat, clean, professional, and versatile this gym is. I actually look forward to the classes and each time I go there is something new and different. They keep each class fun and interesting. Love this place!!!
"It seemed like a good idea at the time. But in all seriousness, the coaches are supportive and amazing. I like how I don't have to struggle to figure out a daily workout. There's a lot of variations in movements and routines that keep me interested and I find fun and challenging."
debra b-enfield
"This gym is great supportive environment for your workout goals. Limits only exist in your mind is true ! I have achieved fitness goals I never knew were possible and am so glad , now I can reach for higher goals !"

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